Hy-Tech Weight Loss Best of Omaha
Physician Directed HyTech Weight Loss, Weight Loss, Omaha, NE A+

Lana Johnson

Credit Cards



I am satisfied with my results. Susan was very helpful and responsive. The entire team is very helpful.


We were very successful with the Hy-Tech program. It was a complete change to the way we grocery shopped and planned and prepared our meals. They were upfront with the cost, the time it would take and the changes you would have to make to be successful. It wasn't easy but it was worth the time that it took to do it right. Our counselor was always available to answer our questions and concerns and help keep us on track. The weekly call to touch base kept us accountable and played a role in our successful weight loss.


Wonderful experience. Whenever I had concerns, I could call, and my counselor always gave me tips and adjustments to make to my diet plan. Lost 2 sizes in jeans It is a plan that works if you work the program. Thank you for all your help.


It’s a plan that works. Lost 50 pounds!


I was able to lose 32lbs. The staff was great and very helpful. Another big plus is they taught me how to eat healthy, so I can keep the weight off. I wholeheartedly recommend this weight loss program…

Mary Jo

It's been a little over a year and the weight is still off. There are so many great things to say about Hy-Tech, the staff is (assume), no special food to buy and I feel great. It is everything they say. Thank you, Hy-tech!


I joined this company in October of 2021. I have dieted a lot during the past decade and have had success but wanted to do it quickly before my surgery coming up in February ‘22. Giving a review of the diet plan I was on it for 3 months lost 71lbs in 12 weeks. The diet is tough to start but if you submit to it fully you will have results. This cannot be stated enough as it is of utmost importance to follow the plan and get the results you want. The cost is about the same as all the other ones I have tried and when you start it may seem expensive but when you don’t eat out every day and no snacks from gas stations you save quite a bit. The staff is upfront about everything and let you know it won’t be easy but obviously losing weight never is and you have to sacrifice something in order to get what you want. I started at 319 and am down to 248. Lost a total of 40 inches. In all I would highly recommend this diet because it works!

2022 Updated review!! I returned to this place to lose some more weight and was not disappointed with the results! I gained about 60 lbs. due to my negligence in not sticking with portion control and what I ate. Now I lost 65lbs. and plan on keeping it off. As stated above this is a strict diet but so with it! I can’t believe my results! I started @ 310lbs. and now 245lbs. 30 roughly for the BMI. All in all, you have to be determined to get it done. My motto was and remains to Never go back!! Also another quote I found is “Nothing tastes as good as being feels” Positive Communication, Quality, Professionalism


Hy-Tech Weight Loss delivers results. Not hope. I could not lose weight on my own; the Hy-Tech program gave me the knowledge, support and motivation to lose 40 pounds. The Hy-Tech program helped me reach my goals as a sports official and extend my career in officiating. I give Hy-Tech Weight Loss my highest recommendation.


The people are friendly and very helpful. Had a great experience and the results to match.


For 3 years I heard the commercials for Hy-Tech Weight Loss on the radio. In January of 2021, at my quarterly checkup, my bloodwork results came back, in a not so good way. My A1C, triglycerides, glucose and blood pressure were all high! It was the catalyst that I needed to start to control my weight and give back to myself my health! Lana, Susan and the staff at Hy-Tech were friendly, professional and very confident in their program and now that I have completed the program I am just as confident! I went through the program and the results are amazing! My triglycerides went from 221 to 87; glucose dropped from 430 to 90; A1c dropped from over 12 to under 5.5; and my blood pressure is now at 118/72! The numbers don’t lie! The weight loss program at Hy-Tech works! The tale of the tape also proves this. I lost 57 pounds, 5 inches off my chest, 8 inches off my waist, 7 inches off my abdomen and 3 inches off my hips! I also found a new wardrobe of "old" clothes in my closet that I haven’t worn in over 20 years! At the risk of sounding like a commercial instead of a testimonial, there is a "new you" hiding under that excess weight you carry! Go to Hy-Tech and find the new you! Start today and by the 4th of July you will see a "new" you are looking at you in the mirror! Thanks to Lana, Susan and the entire Hy-Tech staff! You have given me back my health and I like looking in the mirror again!
Communication, Quality, Professionalism


I could not say anything but great things about this place! They helped me with great tools for weight loss success- something that I do daily! It was so nice to receive a call from them weekly to check on my progress and answer any questions that I may have had. It was also beneficial they have a phone number to call after hours if I needed anything. They always have a smile on their face and are always happy to help with anything. I could not be happier with my results!
Communication, Quality, Professionalism


If you are ready to lose weight and feel better this is your place! Straight forward and professional. Love how you eat your own food and learn how to portion control! I am confident I can keep the weight off with everything I have learned! Highly recommend!
Communication, Quality, Professionalism


I have struggled with my weight for my entire life. I was referred to Hy-Tech and wanted to see what it was all about. After my first meeting with them, I knew that this was something I wanted to try. And I am so thankful, as I lost over 50lbs during my first round. Calls every week to check in have been super helpful. Also, anytime that I had a question they would have a response for me in under a couple of hours. That has truly helped me succeed in this entire process.
Communication, Quality, Professionalism


NOT A FAD people...this is for real! I'm so thrilled with my results. The support carried me through, educated me constantly and left me with tools I WILL use for life. I feel better now than I have in five years. I've made so many changes in my life since starting Hy-Tech that will continue forever. Again, the support was amazing. You are not alone doing this and if you are ready to do the work, this place is for you!
Communication, Quality, Professionalism


Tried many diet fads then heard about Hy-Tech Weight Loss in Omaha, their approach and expertise not only coached me through the weight loss but just as importantly how to keep the weight off. It’s medically supervised, and the staff is top notch and genuinely interested in a successful conclusion to your weight loss goals. As a physician this is particularly important to me.


I believe in Hy-Tech weight loss.
I lost 28 pounds.
This was the best decision I ever made.
The best thing about Hy-Tech is you lose
the weight fast and the diet is easy to stay on.
The staff will help you from start to finish.
Thank you Hy-Tech